Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Vacation Bible School 2008

Although the week isn't over, I wanted to go ahead and submit these few pics on the blog while I had a "free" moment...

The kids and I attended our church's Outrigger Island themed Vacation Bible School (VBS). It was the first year for Micah and Carson to participate. They went to the 2 year old class. They put up a struggle each morning but had a great time each day. They were all smiles when I went to pick them up. Check out their cool little visors they made on Day 1.

Corbyn went to the 3rd grade class since you are placed into the grade recently completed. She had Mrs. Shelley (her AWANA teacher from this year) and really loves her. Corbyn is fascinated with her storytelling ability and had fun with her VBS friends. I hope this experience helps her to grow into the Christian that God meant for her to be and that she learns to walk in His word.

I taught a 4th grade class this year and had an amazing group of children. Preparing for it is exhausting but I always enjoy being with the kids and see them learn about God's truth.

We are thankful that our family has an opportunity to participate in this yearly event as the kids have a super fun time and I learn to serve others.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Those are the coolest visors I've ever seen!!!! I wonder who had the idea to do those?!?!? Oh yeah - it was me!! HaHa! Glad they liked them!