Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;
and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

As difficult as it is, I have felt called to post this blog today. Its been about 2 years now since God called Daddy home and it seems as if he were here only yesterday. I can still picture his beautiful smile complete with those amazingly warm dimples. I miss him so very much. God's grace has healed some of the brokenness of my heart but I wonder if He will ever completely fill the void that Daddy left. I know that God is able but imagine that He leaves that special place there for just me so that I may close my eyes and see Daddy's face, hear his laughter, and know that he will always love his little girl.

I know that many of my thoughts and wishes are selfish for I want Daddy back here with me so desperately and sometimes I want that at any cost...until I remember. I can so easily remember the hurt in his eyes as he lay there wondering when God would ease his pain. After the Lord called him home I used to cry out and ask God why. Why would he place such a burden on my Dad? Why take away someone who loved others so sacrificially and served the Lord at every opportunity? To be honest, I still ask Him these things from time to time but I have come to trust God a little more each day and rely on His perfect plan. I will be the first to tell you that losing Daddy so soon would have never been in my plan for he meant so much to me.

Just today in the pastor's sermon he mentioned that there were 4 stages to parenting and that the last one was friendship. By and large this is one of the things that I miss the very most. Daddy was so much more than just a parent or provider. He embodied a friend to Tracy and me - one that could be trusted with any words, thoughts, or feelings. Daddy would always listen and respect what I had to say even when he disagreed. Sometimes he would guide me in the "safe" direction in decision-making and other times he would let me fall on my face just so I could learn one of life's valuable lessons (or as pastor said today - give me just enough rope to hang myself).

What an amazing mentor and coach he was whether it was in sports, education, or life - plain and simple. Anyone who knew Daddy would understand that I could fill pages and pages with accolades and memories of such a precious man but with this post I simply wanted to take these few moments to honor and remember someone who meant so much to me. My thoughts and prayers wouldn't be complete today without praising Jesus for the precious gift that He so willingly gave so that Daddy had the victory and is in His precious arms. I will see Daddy again someday for I too received the amazing and wonderful gift of eternal life in Him. May we honor our true Father on this special day!

My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is
the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.
Psalms 73:26

Daddy's last Father's Day, 2006

Happy Father's Day, Daddy! We miss you so much and can't wait to see you again!


Laura said...

Yes - your Daddy was a special man! Sorry I wasn't more sensitive Sunday - the thought didn't cross my mind that you didn't have your earthly father here to celebrate Father's Day with.

The Clifton Family said...

Lisa, what a wonderful post. Your dad was amazing. He was one of the best men I have ever known. I think of him each time we celebrate Ethan's birthday (11.23) because I know he was born on the same day as such a wonderful man. I hope he will turn out to be half the man Eddie was. Thanks for the post.

Laura said...

By the way, I like your new family picture at the top of your blog! Very nice!

Nancy Hamilton said...

Lisa! Im bawling my eyes out! It was so good to sit and eat french fries with you last night. :) When I think about your dad- my life is so much richer by knowing Him. He was the essence of a godly man who encouraged all who knew him. Im so blessed to have had him in my life. My life is different because of him! Eddie "Julio" Kendrick will always live in our hearts! Love you sister!