Monday, October 15, 2007

Praise the Lord!

God is so good! Corbyn has decided that she wants to walk with Jesus the rest of her life and we couldn't be prouder. What a relief it is when your child makes the decision to accept the gift of eternal life in heaven. Randy and I have talked with her and shared as much as we could but it had to be God's timing and his leadership that ultimately saved our little girl. We can't say enough good things about the supportive roles and loving leadership that the Children's Ministry staff and volunteers at First Baptist, Lenoir City have done to influence Corbyn throughout her walk. She has asked many questions and decided that she believes Jesus loved her enough to die for her so she could spend eternity with him one day in Heaven.

This past Sunday, October 14th was the most important day of her life. She was baptized on a very special day for First Baptist Church. It was opening day for our new sanctuary and Corbyn got to be one of the first to be baptized there. One problem...the heater in the baptistry was broken so the water was very chilly. Pastor Chris was very comforting and helped Corbyn goof off to ease her nerves.

Corbyn was a trooper though and showed great courage. She had been very nervous but God granted her peace before she entered the pool. She was so beautiful as she walked into the water. She got to look out into the congregation to see her family and friends who love her and support her in her Christian decision.

Grandma and Grandpa Hoffmeister drove from North Carolina to share in this special occasion with Corbyn and it meant a lot to her that they loved her enough to come. Nana, Tracy, Dave, and Elijah were also present to celebrate.

1 comment:

Laura said...

What an awesome day!!! Sorry we weren't there in second service to stand up for Corbyn! You've got to start getting up earlier and making it to first service!!!! HaHa!!!