For the past several years, First Baptist Church, Kingston has hosted a golf tournament on Good Friday to raise funds for the youth or college mission trip. This year was the 14th Annual Eddie Kendrick Golf Tournament. Thats right, it is named in memory of Daddy and it is always a pleasure to attend and wish the golfers well in addition to thanking them for their participation.
Daddy used to help run the tournament since he was so involved in the church's youth program and missions for Christ were dear to his heart. The sponsors named it in his honor a few years before he passed and now it is in his fond memory that they work so hard every year. Tracy and I attended this year to thank everyone for coming since mom was enjoying a much deserved cruise with a friend of hers. She had looked forward to this Christian cruise for several months but was disappointed when she learned that she would be unable to attend the tournament. She was kind enough to write a few words to be shared on behalf of our family. Thanks to the participants and First Baptist Church for honoring my Dad and being crusaders for Christ!
As you can see, the kids had fun too...